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W/C 24th June

There are a few changes to note for this week.




Thursday - Yr 5 - Sky Skills Studio trip

                Yr 4 - Champs Hill trip

Both year groups will need a packed lunch and a water bottle and to wear full school uniform. Please see the email from the Office with all the details regarding transport and timings. 


Friday - Yr 4 Forest School in the afternoon. Children can come to school dressed in their Forest School clothes. As the Yr 4's are in the forest they will NOT be swimming on Friday. The Yr 5's WILL be swimming in the afternoon as normal.



Yr 4 - This week we will be drawing line graphs and solving problems. 

Yr 5 - We are going to finish our Converting Units unit this week. We will be converting between metric and imperial units and calculate with timetables. 


Literacy in Ash

We will be starting some independent writing this week. We will have a discussion about the different genres that we can use when writing.


Literacy in Maple Class

We are going to be writing information labels next week to go alongside the artefacts from the Brownstone Family vault. 



Yr 3 - We will be finding out how land is used for farming and the different types of farming. 

Yr 4 - We will be explaining the causes and effects of flooding in the context of the water cycle. 

Yr 5 - We are using grid references to locate places on a map. 



Yr 3 - We will be learning about the reproductive parts of plants and how they pollinate.

Yr 4 - Last week we looked at our enamel investigation so didn't get chance to carry out our practical activity on digestion. We will carry out this practical this week.

Yr 5 - We will be revisiting what we have learnt about asexual reproduction and then learn about sexual reproduction.



We are starting our RE unit. Our big question is:

What do Christians mean when they talk about the Kingdom of God?

Our questions for this week are:

  • What does it mean to be a good king?
  • How would a good king run their kingdom?
  • How did Jesus get the title ‘King’? Did everyone approve of his title



