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W/B 22nd January

Literacy- This week we will be creating our own adventure stories around the topic of toys coming to life when the doors are closed like in 'Lost in the toy museum'. They will be planning using a story mountain, writing characters description of their main character, writing their story remembering to use the correct punctuation and make sure it makes sense.


Maths - Year 2 will be multiplying by 10, dividing by 10, multiplying by 5, dividing by 5 and multiplying by 5 and 10 and seeing the relationship. 


Year 1 will be learning about near doubles, subtracting ones from number bonds, subtracting by counting back, subtracting by finding the difference and related number facts.


Phonics -Year 2 will be revising the alternative graphemes for /ee/ and the different phonemes for /ch/. Also practising the common exception words.


Year 1 - This week we will be learning the alternative graphemes for /n/ which are /gn/ and /kn/. We will also be learning and revising the /or/ grapheme.


Science - Year 1 will be investigating how to care for their planet. Year 2 will be investigating their local area.


History - They will be comparing toys from Victorian times to present day. They will be describing similarities and differences.


DT - They will be making and designing their Jack in a Box using the skill of scoring to create the folds.


Computing  Year 1 will be adding to their 2create stories. Year 2 will develop another skill in coding.


RE - They will be exploring what happens in the story of Ruth. 

