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w/b 1st July 2024

Monday - Swimming 


Tuesday - PE in the morning, Y4s Forest School in the afternoon (please bring your clothes and shoes in a bag)  


Wednesday morning is Transition morning so the year 3s will be spending the morning with either myself and the year 2s, or with Mrs Murphy with the year 4s. PE in the afternoon so wear PE kits to school as normal. 


Thursday - Swimming


Literacy in Maple Class

We are looking at the features of adverts this week and beginning to consider the use and impact of persuasive language for advertising. 


Literacy in Ash Class

We will be continuing our independent writing that we started last week with Mr Russell.



Yr 3 - We will be learning about seed dispersal and the life cycle of plants.

Yr 4 - We are moving onto our final unit for this year, Food Chains. This wee we will learning what a food chain is and creating food chains of our own.

Yr 5 - This week we will be learning about sexual reproduction in animals. 



Yr 3 - Revision week for Year 3s as we consolidate our learning across this half term. We will start with Time, going back over any misconceptions we had. It will be beneficial for the children to be practising telling the time at home this week. 

Yr 4 - We are starting our new and final unit on position and direction. 



We will be learning about Muhammad's birthday celebrations this week, and the controversy that surrounds it. What are the arguments for and against celebrating his birthday? 



The children are making good progress with their PowerPoint presentations all about the country they have been given for our Euros sweepstake. 



Yr 3 - We are comparing human and physical geographical features this week. 

Yr 4 - We are learning abut pollution in water this week including rivers. 

Yr 5 - We will be looking at maps from across different time periods and considering how they have changed. 





The children need to make a decision this week about which ingredients they would like to use to make their healthy sandwich. They will be writing their instructions this week. 
