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10th June

Swimming Wednesday and Friday.


PE kits to be worn Tuesday.


Literacy - This week we will be using the book 'The Whale's song' and focusing our learning on identifying and using the 4 sentence types e.g. statements, commands, questions and exclamations. We will be writing questions so we can hot seat a character, writing statements about the 3 main characters, creating posters to save the whales and answering comprehension questions based on the text.


Spelling/phonics - Year 2 will be identifying homophones in a poem, revising words where 'o' makes an /u/ e.g. other and revising words with il and le at the end of the words.


Year 1 will be doing the phonics screening this week. They will read 20 real words and 20 'alien' (non sense) words. This will be done 1:1 with Mrs McKee.


Maths- Year 2 will be describing movement and turns, describing shape patterns with turns and revising their four calculations including missing numbers.


Year 1 will be learning about position and direction. They will be describing forwards and backwards positions, above and below positions as well as ordinal numbers. 


Science -Year 1 will be exploring more changes in summer and year 2 will be completing their unit about life cycles of different animals.


Geography - We will be exploring around the continents and using atlas'. We will be using some of the David Attenborough clips to explore our amazing world.


Computing -Year 1 will be developing their skills in coding. Year 2 will be developing their skills on 2 sequence, a music program.


Art - We will be examining the work of Hadderwasser and making visual notes about his work.


