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Fittleworth Church of England Village School CE School

SEND Information Report March 2024.

About us

As an inclusive school we support all children, regardless of individual need. We provide access to a broad and balanced curriculum for all pupils, who, at any time, might need additional support with regard to their academic, emotional, social, or physical and mental health needs. Equity of opportunity must be a reality for all of our children.  We provide child centred, supportive, nurturing learning environments, enabling all pupils to maximise progress. Across our school, all staff work in accordance with the guidance provided in the Special Educational Needs & Disability (SEND) Code of Practice 2014 and Keeping Children Safe in Education September 2022.

SEND contact details

If your child has been identified as having additional needs, has a disability, or you would like to know more about what we can offer then please feel free to contact us. Our named Inclusion Manager (Inclusion Manager - Special Educational Needs & Disability Co-ordinator) is Mrs Louise Hayter (

Fittleworth Church of England Village School: 01798 865419

Mrs Debbie Burnett (head teacher), Mrs Sarah Blackwood (Senior Teacher) & Mr James Russell (Senior Teacher), are also keen to offer advice/support and to hear your views.  Class teachers are also highly trained in adaptive learning experiences and as your child’s class teacher, we would highly recommend you approach them with any concerns you may have. They too can be contacted on the above telephone numbers.

West Sussex Local Authority also maintain a SEND directory known as the Local Offer.  This can be accessed at:

What kinds of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities are provided for at this school?

Fittleworth Church of England Village School is an inclusive, mainstream primary school.  Our aim is to ensure that every one of our children thrive and meet their full potential, adaptions are made for all, regardless of need.  The emotional, social, and mental wellbeing of all members of our school community is at the heart of all we do; the wellbeing of every child and their family matter to us.

Currently, we support children in all four areas of special educational need (cognition and learning, social, emotional, and mental health, communication and interaction and physical/sensory need).  We support families in need, looked after children and young carers, gifted and talented, children who have English as a second language and those at risk of exclusion.

How do we identify a child who may have a special educational need or disability?

Children may have an identified need on entry to school or may develop a need requiring special educational provision at any time throughout their school career. All teachers at our schools are responsible for developing a secure knowledge of each child in their class, through discussion with parents and by monitoring progress through gentle, regular assessment.

Across our school, we run two registers to ensure children are receiving the adaptions they require to access any part of our school day.  Both registers have clear entry and exit criteria and it is hoped, that with time and the correct support, children will close gaps and therefore, no longer require additional support.

All children at our school receive the same base level of universal provision.  For children whom we become concerned about (perhaps they are not developing in line with their peers, progress is slow), class teachers highlight these children by starting them on a cycle known as the Graduated Approach or Assess, Plan, Do, Review Cycle (ADPR).  These cycles identify concerns and explain specifically the additional adaptions that will be implemented and trialed to see if progress is made.  Individual outcomes (goals) are written for the children on these plans to ensure progress can be carefully monitored.  Outcomes are monitored throughout the duration of the APDR cycle with evidence being gathered.  The cycle is usually reviewed after half a term (this is dependent on the nature of the support, sometimes the cycle maybe shorter than this).  Children who have an APDR cycle in place will be recorded on our Monitoring Register.  This is done in consultation with parents.  Child and parent/carer voice are important to us.

For children who do not make progress against these initial APDR cycles the school, alongside parents, will make the decision as to whether external referrals to clinicians or more specialist practitioners and teams are appropriate. If progress remains slow or, the gap between their functioning and that of their peers remains, then further clinical information about the child’s needs are needed to inform approaches, responses, and interventions. At this time, in consultation with parents/carers, we would recommend the child be moved across to our “Inclusion Register”.  The entry criteria for the Inclusion Register relates to the need for the involvement to outside agencies.  Children with an Education, Health and Care Plan are also placed upon this register.  At this stage of monitoring the Inclusion Manager also becomes involved with the child and their family.  This data is recorded on our school system “Brom Com” and is called by the Local Authority each term.  Once the child reaches this stage of our register, they will receive an Individual Learning Plan (ILP), which is based upon the APDR cycle.  This document outlines the very specific outcomes set for this child and the expected progress points.  Often these plans include advice from outside agencies.  These plans are shared with parents.

How do we provide for children with SEND?

- monitoring of provision

- assessment

- reviewing progress

- teaching

- adaptions

a) How is the provision monitored for its effectiveness?

Children who have been highlighted as requiring extra support or intervention are monitored against personalised outcomes linked to the adaptions or intervention they are receiving. Half termly ‘surgery’ sessions are held between the Inclusion Manager and class teacher to evaluate progress and review further support.  Parents’ and children’s views are also sought.  Clear baselines are determined for all outcomes set so that we can easily track progress made.  Termly learning walks occur so that leaders can be sure adaptions and interventions are being run and maintained.  Book Looks are also completed to ensure adapted learning is available for learners.

b) What are the school’s arrangements for assessing and reviewing progress of children with SEND?

We follow the Code of Practice’s cycle of ‘Assess, Plan, Do, Review’. Teachers and the Inclusion Manager regularly assess the progress of children receiving support against their personal outcomes. Opportunities to regularly revisit new learning from interventions within whole class teaching helps to embed new skills learnt.

Reviewing outcomes can be fluid, depending on progress made. Outcomes are reviewed on a half termly basis so that support can be put in place in an appropriate and timely manner.

c) What is the school’s approach to teaching children with SEND?

Across our School, all children receive high quality class-based teaching, this is reviewed regularly and robustly throughout each term. As part of this Quality First teaching the class teacher will provide adapted work based on the needs of the child. If it is felt that a child is not making expected progress then a graduated response will be adopted using the Assess, Plan, Do, Review approach. We offer a wide variety of evidence-based interventions as well as adult supported group work which is carefully monitored to ensure that there is an impact on children’s learning. All support is recorded on an ADPR document or an individual learning (ILP).  The format used, depends on the level of support an individual is receiving. ILPs outline the expected outcome of the support; these are formally reviewed termly but are seen as a fluid document.  We also deliver therapy specified by outside agencies and endeavor to incorporate these targets into everyday teaching.  Changes may be made to provision before the review date set.

d) How does the school adapt the curriculum and learning environment for children with SEND?

The type of support needed for each child to make good progress will depend on the needs of the child. This may be through small group work with an adult to support, 1 to 1 teaching, activities that are more practical in nature, or repetition of some teaching.  Pre or post teaching sessions are used to offer a more specific introduction to a topic or a review of previous learning.  These principles can be found in Rosenshine’s Principles of Learning.   Adaptions are considered at every level and extend further than solely academic progress.  For children with additional need, we will consider adaptions against every school-based experience.  Some children will have specific needs and may be supported by professionals from the Local Authority services, such as Behaviour Support or Sensory Services, or from outside agencies such as the Educational Psychology Service or Speech and Language Team.

e) What additional support is available for children with SEND?

The degree and kind of support required for each pupil with SEND to make progress will vary. This could include working in class in a small group with an adult, working out of class with an appropriately trained adult in a small group on a specific, time-limited intervention, or advice from external advisers such as the Educational Psychologist Service, Social Communication Team, Learning and Behaviour Advisory Team, Speech and Language Therapists, School Nurse, or Occupational Therapists. Specialist advisors may suggest making specific adaptations to the working environment.

f) How does the school enable pupils with SEND to engage in the activities of the school (including physical activities) together with children who do not have special needs?

Clubs, trips, and activities offered to our pupils are fully accessible to all. Where necessary we will seek advice to support children in particular lessons such as PE and we also ensure that outside providers follow the advice given. Where an activity may not be suitable for children we will make ‘best endeavours’ to adapt it so that all pupils receive a similar outcome.

g) What support is available for ensuring the emotional and social development of pupils with SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities)?

We care deeply about the social, emotional, and mental health needs of all the children at Fittleworth Church of England Village School.  As a small school, we can build strong relationships with all our children and families. The Inclusion Manager takes additional responsibility for building a relationship with each child & family on the SEND register for the children to feel free to share emotional and social concerns and to build strategies together to solve problems. Pastoral support can also be provided by the child’s class teacher, as well as accessing a Local Authority Family Support Worker where appropriate. 

We are a fully inclusive school with a detailed positive behaviour policy that enables children to be aware of our high expectations. We work closely with those children who struggle to manage their behaviour, to ensure that they have opportunities to express themselves appropriately.  We adopt a no shame or judgement policy when supporting our children and work hard to develop the acceptance of others around different needs.

For children who require more specialised support, where funding allows, we can access play therapists and community liaison services.

Who is the named SEND contact?

We are actively looking to employ an Inclusion Manager.  Our SEND named contact is currently our head teacher Mrs Burnett. 

What specific expertise is available for those with SEND?

Staff receive regular professional development which will include a focus on inclusion and SEND support. For example, all staff undertake auto injector pen training annually, and the school nurse will deliver training on other health issues.  Staff have completed training on a range of mental health, social and behaviour issues – for example working memory, speech and language, sensory processing disorder, supporting learners with Down’s Syndrome, Growth Mindset, and mental health issues. 

What specialist equipment and facilities are there for children with SEND?

An accessible parking space is available.  There is a ramp facility to allow easy access into the main school building.

We work with a variety of outside agencies to provide specialist equipment and facilities for children with SEND to ensure that they can fully access the curriculum.

For more information, please see the school’s Accessibility Plan.

Admission of disabled students

Access to all classrooms is possible via our playground entrances. Our site is on one level and maintains good access to all areas.

Accessibility is supported through our accessibility plan (see school website) and under our duty of care stated in the Disability and Equality Act 2010.

What steps do we take to prevent pupils with SEND being treated less favorably than other pupils?

a. To eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment, and victimisation:

We ensure that we are always offering Continuing Professional Development for teachers and staff members, focusing on differentiation, reasonable adjustments, equality of access, teaching and learning to ensure progress and safeguarding for all. Staff are reminded of reasonable adjustments required for certain individuals as necessary e.g., discussed during Pupil Progress meetings with the class teacher, Head teacher and the Inclusion Manager - and Senior Leadership Team meetings focus on the strategic development of these areas.

The Head teacher and Staff Governor have regular liaison with governors, which informs and updates on current areas. There is a named governor who monitors SEND provision on a termly basis.

b. To advance equality of opportunity.

We complete indepth analysis of attainment and progress data and adapt teaching and learning as necessary. Exam access arrangements are organised. Auxiliary aids currently include iPads, laptops, writing slopes, special handwriting pens, colour overlays and any others as necessary.

Lessons are regularly observed to ensure accessibility and progress against Ofsted standards.

c. To foster good relations.

Across the School, we pride ourselves on building proactive, positive relationships with our families. 

A thorough transition programme with secondary schools at the end of Year 6 in preparation for secondary school is particularly important, and we work hard with the SEND team at all feeder secondary schools.

Pupils are aware of a key member of staff they can talk to who will listen to any concerns and act upon them if necessary. The Class teacher is the primary contact for parents and carers.

Appointments can be made with the Inclusion Manager to discuss any need a child may have.

What arrangements are there for consulting and involving parents and carers of children with SEND?

The first point of contact should be with the child’s class teacher, they spend the most time with children and, apart from the parent, are the most aware of their needs.  If further advice is required, appointments can be made with the Inclusion Manager. Parents are actively encouraged to be partners in their child’s education through informal discussions, telephone contact, individual learning plans, consultation evenings, formal meetings with the class teacher and/or Inclusion Manager, progress reviews and yearly written reports. The school believes that a ‘parent partnership’ between the teacher, parent and child is a valuable tool to include all parties and improve a child’s educational journey. 

Parents are offered the same “mainstream” parents meetings experiences, these happen twice a year.  These sessions focus on the child’s everyday experiences and on their achievements and strengths.  They focus less on the additional needs themselves.  Parents can make longer meetings, away from other parents to discuss these more specific issues at any time throughout the academic year.

What are the arrangements for consulting children with SEND about, and involving them in their education?

The thoughts and ideas of pupils are very important to us. All children can share their views in various ways during regular pupil conferencing and surveys.

With regard to SEND, children are involved in the review of their outcomes as well as the development of their next steps.  We listen carefully to how these children feel they learn best and this is reflected within their provision. We believe that placing the child at the heart of their provision develops advocacy in our children, a vital life skill.

What are the arrangements for parents of children with SEND who may wish to complain about provision?

In the first instance parents/carers should speak to the class teacher to express any concerns they may have for their child. If unhappy with the response they should then make contact with the Inclusion Manager or head teacher where an informal discussion will take place to try to resolve any concerns.

Complaints from parents or carers in relation to SEN and the provision in place are managed within our school complaints procedure (see complaints policy).  The local authority can be contacted if it is considered that a complaint has not be dealt with adequately:


For families in receipt of an EHCP who have specific complaints about the plan, its procedures or content, the local authority should be contacted In accordance with the SEND Code of Practice:


How does the school/governing body involve health, social services, LA Support Services, and others in meeting the needs of children with SEND and supporting their families?

We have good links with a range of support services such as Speech and Language therapists, Educational Psychologists, School nurse services, Occupational therapists, Family Support Workers, Play therapists and other professionals. These links are maintained through face-to-face meetings, telephone support or via email.


What are the contact details for support services for the parents of children with SEN, including those for arrangements made in accordance with section 32?

Impartial information to support parents/carers can be found at and details of the Local Offer can be found at

Alternatively, you can make an appointment to speak to the Inclusion Manager to discuss the support available in the area.

What are the school’s arrangements for supporting children with SEND in transferring between phases of education?


All children in Year Six have access to a thorough transition to secondary school programme, allowing them to explore feelings and ask questions in a familiar setting.  We offer regular consultation with parents/carers on how we can best meet the needs of their child when they are joining or leaving our school. We will also endeavour to ensure that we provide several opportunities for the child and parent to have supported visits to a new setting. We will also consult with teaching staff, support staff and other lead professionals as to how we can best support the academic, medical, and social needs of an individual child.

Where is the Local Authority Local Offer published?

The local authority’s Local Offer can be found at

If you have difficulty accessing this information, then do make an appointment to see the Inclusion Manager for help.


Please click on the links below for further information:


Rother Valley Inclusion Hub website

Support for parents

How to help with Dyslexia

Tips for working with Autistic Children

Children & Family Centre leaflet

Helpful Ipad apps


Parent Partnership Service


Does your child have special educational needs?


You may like to contact West Sussex Parent Partnership Service who can give you impartial advice, information and guidance on any SEN issue.


0845 075 1008
