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Enrichment Programme

Rother Valley Enrichment Programme


We are part of the Rother Valley Enrichment Programme. This allows us to send our most gifted and talented students to attend a varied programme of sessions at other schools within the locality. The children can meet other like minded students and enjoy learning at a greater depth or perhaps a new skill.


Recent workshops have included:-


Year 3 Art Day

Year 4 Creative Art Day

KS1 Irish Dancing



Year 5 STEM Day where students joined a team currently working on a unique, high-technology project, focused around a 1000mph World land speed record attempt. 


Year 4 Maths


Singing at Fittleworth


We love to sing at Fittleworth! Our assemblies are always full of song. We have a thriving choir who perform at church and other local venues, particularly at Christmas. 


The children in years 1-6 also have singing lessons with teachers form West Sussex Music Services and give termly concerts to parents. Below are our Year 4,5 and 6 children who performed for parents at the end of the Autumn term.


Play Maker


In addition four of our most talented sporting students have been chosen to participate in the Play Maker run by Aspire Coaching. The children meet monthly over an academic to participate in sports workshops to become sports leaders. 




All of our Year 6 children take part in a week of 'Bikeability' . They are given practical on road training and are generally are taught how to stay safe on their bikes.


Level 1

At Level 1 new riders learn to control and master their bikes in a space away from traffic such as a playground or closed car park. Trainees will usually be trained in a group of 3-12, though individual training may also be available in your area.


At Level 1 you can:


  • prepare yourself and your bike for cycling
  • get on and off your bike without help
  • start off, pedal and stop with control
  • pedal along, use gears and avoid objects
  • look all around and behind, and control the bike
  • share space with pedestrians and other cyclists


Level 2

Level 2 takes place on local streets, giving trainees a real cycling experience. Trainees learn how to deal with traffic on short journeys such as cycling to school or the local shops. Trainees are usually trained in small groups – up to 6 trainees per instructor – though individual training may also be available. At Level 2 you can:


  • prepare for on-road cycling
  • start and finish an on-road journey
  • recognise typical hazards
  • let others know what you are about to do
  • know where to ride on the road
  • pass parked vehicles and side roads


Level 3

Level 3 equips trainees with skills for more challenging roads and traffic situations – busier streets, queuing traffic, complex junctions and roundabouts. It also includes planning routes for safe cycling. Level 3 training is delivered one-to-one or in groups of up to 3 so can be tailored to a trainee’s individual needs, such as a route to work or school.


At Level 3 you can:


  • prepare for a journey
  • understand advanced road positioning
  • pass queuing traffic
  • perceive and deal with hazards
  • understand driver blind spots
  • react to hazardous road surfaces