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Welcome to Oak Class

Oak class is a mixed class of Year 1 and 2 children.


Mrs Blackwood is the                        Mrs Enticknap is the

class teacher-                                        class teacher - Friday

Monday - Thursday



Mrs Tudgay is a                             Miss Tudgay is a                    Mrs Barron is a

teaching assistant                        teaching assistant                   teaching assistant

If you would like to contact our teachers directly you can do so by email. The addresses are set out below. 

Mrs S Blackwood -

Mrs G Enticknap -


While we register as Beech and Oak Class the children will spend each day as either a cohort (year 1 or 2) or as a KS1 unit (see timetable below for further clarity). 


As KS1 we are working on ensuring children have a strong foundation to their learning. We work hard to make learning fun, enjoyable, interactive, engaging where the children are encouraged to be independent, reflective and active learners. We expect children to be polite and well behaved. They will be given learning appropriate to their needs and breaks will be given when required. The beginning of the school year will include shorter learning sessions particularly for year 1, building as the year progresses. Year 2 will be working hard this year, building on their learning in year 1 working towards their end of KS1 expectations. 


This academic year we will learning about and asking/ answering questions about the Great Fire of London, exploring London today, we will be performing  a Christmas play and enjoying Christmas activities. In the Spring term, we will be 'On the Move' finding out about how transport has changed over time then moving onto researching about life in the rainforests and why we need to protect them. In the Summer term, we will be exploring 'knights and castles' and concluding the year with finding out about how seasides have changed and the features of them. The children will have opportunities for learning outside the classroom, trips, forest schools and in school activities. The year 2's may even have a sleepover in the school hall which proved very popular last year.


The class page will keep you informed of what your children are learning and how you could support them at home. There will also be communication via Mcas. Children will be awarded house points for good behaviour and work. If you need to contact the teachers please do talk to us or email and they will respond when available. 


At home, please read DAILY. The children will have their diaries checked everyday but their phonic books will only be changed on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday. They will have a phonic book at an appropriate reading level for them and also a choosing book. This choosing book will be chosen from bookcase and might be a book they can read all or part, or even a book for an adult to read to them. The more they can read AND have books read to them, the more their language will develop. 

As well as reading, please practise the weekly spellings given but also the common exception words (CEW) which will be stuck in the front of their diaries. The CEW's will be tested each half term as to what they can read AND spell. The progress towards knowing them all will be monitored and ability to use them in their writing.

For maths at home, they could practise telling the time, counting coins, measuring and times tables. Year 2 will be working towards knowing x2, 10, 5 and beginning to know x3.


We hope the children will enjoy the exciting learning we have planned and want to share with you what we have been  doing. Any questions or queries at any point please do get in contact.


The KS1 team

Transition and expectations

Please read the document above to find out about what the expectations are, what they need to bring, information about reading etc.


PE kits will need to be worn Monday and Tuesday.


Gates open at 8.40am and I will open the door at 8.45am and shut it at 8.50am. Please try to be on time as it makes transition into the day smoother. Pick up will be 3.20pm.
