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W/B 1st January

Monday - New Year's Day - HAPPY NEW YEAR!


Tuesday - INSET DAY


Back to school Wednesday in normal school uniform. 


Literacy- This week we will be writing about our Christmas holidays using past tense. We will be writing about our favourite toys and drawing some of them. We will begin to read to book the Traction Man.


Maths - Year 2 - We will be revising our methods of adding and subtracting and solving some word problems. We will then begin a unit on multiplication and Division. We will be recognising equal groups and making equal groups.


Year 1 we are recapping comparing numbers to 20 and ordering numbers to 20. 


Phonics - Year 2 - This week we will be revising the phonics we know and checking which ones we know. We will be practising the common exception words.


Year 1 - we are learning the wh and are sounds.


DT - We will be looking at Jack in Boxes and how they work. They will be sketching one. 


Computing - Year 2 will be considering online safety and how we should communicate with each other using emails on Purple Mash (online emailing class mates) Year 1 will be considering online safety and in particular adverts.


RE - We will be starting a unit all about why is learning to do good deeds important to Jewish people. This week we will be exploring what are good deeds?


RSE - We will be discussing being safe in unfamiliar situations. Also, discussing the feelings associated with losing people close to us.
