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W/C 1st July

Tuesday - Yr 4's have Forest School in the afternoon again. Make sure they wear their PE kits in the morning and  have their forest school clothes in a bag to change into at lunchtime.


Wednesday - Transition morning - the Yr 5's will be pretending to be yr 6's with Mr Russell and the Yr 4's will be with Mrs Murphy all morning. 


Thursday - swimming


Friday - swimming



Yr 4 - We are starting our final unit of the year, Position and Direction. We will be describing position using coordinates, plotting coordinates and drawing 2D shapes on a grid.

Yr 5 - Our final unit for Yr 5 is Volume. We will be learning about cubic centimetres, comparing volume, estimating volume and estimating capacity.


Literacy in Ash

We will be continuing our independent writing that we started last week with Mr Russell.


Literacy in Maple

We are learning abut the features of adverts this week and considering the impact of persuasive language in advertising. 



Yr 3 - We will be learning about seed dispersal and the life cycle of plants.

Yr 4 - We are moving onto our final unit for this year, Food Chains. This wee we will learning what a food chain is and creating food chains of our own.

Yr 5 - This week we will be learning about sexual reproduction in animals. 



Yr 3 - We are comparing human and physical geographical features this week. 

Yr 4 - We are learning abut pollution in water this week including rivers. 

Yr 5 - We will be looking at maps from across different time periods and considering how they have changed. 



 Our key questions for this week are:

  • How did Jesus get the title 'King'? 
  • Did everyone approve of his title?