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Summer 2

Welcome to the very last half term of the year, the time has flown by! This is always my favourite half term. The sun is shining, the children are able to play on the field, the swimming pool is in action and more of our learning is happening outside. 


Some key information for Maple Class:


Swimming lessons within school will be MONDAY mornings and THURSDAY afternoons. Pleaser remember swimming kits of these two days. This is for all Year 3s, and for the Year 4s on the Maple Class register, regardless of which class they are in for maths and literacy. The children will need to bring their swimming kits in a separate bag to hang on their pegs. They will need a swimming costume / shorts, a swimming hat, a towel, shoes to wear by the poolside (crocs or sliders are ideal) goggles are optional, but useful if your child is a confident under water swimmer. It is a good idea to provide a plastic bag for the wet things to go into before being placed back into swimming bags. Wet things need to be dried out at home before being returned to school for the following swimming lesson. Children will be swimming in groups no larger than 10 children at one time for no longer than half an hour, with the remainder of the class working in the classroom with a TA. Expectations are very high for behaviour whilst in and around the pool, this includes changing in the changing rooms as the safety of the children is paramount. Any questions or concerns regarding swimming, please do not hesitate to speak to myself or to a member of the office team. 


Forest Schools will be on Tuesday afternoons for all of Year 4 this half term. Please do remember to bring a bag of old clothes and shoes for the forest, including a waterproof jacket just in case the weather turns. 


Year 5s are heading to the Sky Skills studio on the 27th June and I am taking the Year 3s and Year 4s to Champs Hill for the day to appreciate the artwork and nature gardens. This is a free trip kindly provided for by Champs Hill themselves. More details to follow. 
