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25th September

This Thursday is our trip to Marwell Zoo. Please read for letter for further information and reminders will be sent on Dojo on Wednesday.


Literacy - We will continue to work using 'Meerkat Mail'. We will spelling the days of the week and learning they all have a capital letter. We will be writing what Sunny did each day in full sentences and asking him a question using a question mark. We will be writing what he saw using commas in a list and playing a Kim's game. We will also be writing a book review for this book. On Friday we will be writing a recount about our trip and the things we saw and enjoyed.


Maths - Year 2 - We will be counting in 3's and recapping counting in 2's, 5's and 10's. We will be revising our bonds to 10 and using these to learn our bonds to 20 for both addition and subtraction. We will be exploring fact families and related facts we know from one calculation e.g. 7+13= 20   20-13=7 20-7=20


Year 1 - We will be introducing parts and wholes, learning about part whole models, writing number sentences and fact families addition facts.


Phonics -Year 2 We will be learning a new spelling pattern, practising some common exception words (please practise these at home as well as they are tested each half term). Also, we will be revising oa, oo, or and ar and spelling words with these in.


Year 1- we will be continuing basics 4 learning cccvcc words and polysyllabic words.


Geography - We will be starting to explore Kenya and its people and markets. We will be drawing a simple map.


Science - Year 2 will be exploring growing up and what humans can then do at each stage. Also, comparing this to other mammals. Year 1 will exploring the different properties of materials.


History- We will be finding out about Nelson Mandela and year 2 will be writing what makes him a significant individual.


R.E- We will be learning about Harvest Festival and how Christians say thank you. 


RSE- We will be thinking about how we can keep ourselves safe at home and at school.
