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20th May

Forest school for year 1 Tuesday.


Literacy -This week we will be doing a piece of independent writing where they will be encouraged to plan their ideas first using a few given stimulus. The year 1 will be writing about their forest school experience and year 2 will be going on a library trip Wednesday afternoon. We will also be completing some reading comprehension questions.


Phonics- Year  2 will be spelling words with a 'wr' and the 'ar' as in war, towards and also reviewing adding suffices 'ed' and 'ing' to verbs.


Year 1 are still looking at the Switch it spell sounds, this week we are looking at /ue/


Maths - Year 2 will be drawing a pictogram going up in 2, 5 and 10 and interpreting them, also creating their own tally chart and drawing a graph and then creating a graph using the computers. 


Year 1 be starting a new topic on fractions. We will be finding and recognising half of and object and half of a quantity.


Science - Year 1 will be finding out about trees in the local area. Year 2 will be finding out about the life cycle of a butterfly and amphibian.


Computing - Year 1 will be using a paint program to create a pirate picture. Year 2 will be continuing their unit on quizzing.


DT - This week we will making a fruit salad, eating it and evaluating.


RE - This week we will be concluding our unit on Pentecost, considering what we have learnt about how and why Christians celebrate this time.


