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W/C 17th June

Tuesday - Yr 4 - Forest School

Thursday Yr 5 - Athletics day at MRC



Yr 4 - This week we are starting a new unit on Statistics. We will be using the data loggers to record some data to then use within our lessons.

Yr  5 - Our new unit is Converting Units. We will be learning about millilitres and millimetres, kilograms and kilometres and convert unit of length.


Literacy in Ash

We will be creating a word bank to help us with our description writing. We will be focusing on adjectives, verbs, relative clauses, opinions, emotions and figurative language. 


Literacy in Maple Class

We will be planning our stories this week focusing on description and punctuation. 



Yr 3 - We will continue observing our plant growth investigation. At the moment, the seeds have grown better in the pots with 8 seeds rather than 1 or 2 seeds. 

Yr 4 - We will be doing a practical linking to our learning on our digestive system.

Yr 5 - We will be learning about asexual reproduction.



Yr 3 - We are surveying the land this week, and I think I will take the children out onto the field instead of the local area. We will be measuring the land, consider how the land is used before drawing our sketch map. 

Yr 4 - We will be explaining how clouds are formed from the changing of temperature. We will also be naming different types of clouds. 

Yr 5 - We will be learning and using the 8 compass points. We will be following directions and a route. 



We started to answer our main question last week. We will finish  
