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Church of England Village School

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All applications for admission to Fittleworth C E Village School must be made through the Local Education Authority.


Children will normally start school in the September following their fourth birthday. 

If your child is due to start school in September 2024 please visit 


If your child has an EHCP then you should contact the Special Educational Needs Assessment Team (SENAT) at WSCC who can help you to arrange placements earlier in the year than other pupils, so that they can take account of specific needs and the preferred choice of school or college. 

Please click on this link to the WSCC website for more information about SEND places.  


If you are moving your child at any other time please click here for further information.


If you would like further information or would like to talk to us about a possible new admission - either for Reception or a move from another school, please contact either our Head Teacher Mrs Burnett or our Admissions Manager Mrs Wilmshurst on 01798 865419 or email


To speak to someone about your specific requirements, contact West Sussex Centre for Children and Young People Services (CYPS) on telephone number 0845 075 1007


or e-mail:

or contact:

Pupil Admissions South Team


Bridge House

Floor 3

Barrington Road


West Sussex

BN12 4FP


Under the Education Act parents can express a preference for any school but do not have the right to choose a school. West Sussex Education Authority does make every effort to meet parental choice where possible. Further details of admissions can be found online on the West Sussex County Council website.


When your child starts or joins the school additional funding may also be available called Pupil Premium


If you are in receipt of benefits you can apply for free school meals and your child's school will receive a Pupil Premium grant to support your child's education. The grant is currently £1300 per eligible primary pupil. This applies even if your child is currently receiving Universal Free School Meals in Reception or Key Stage One.


