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W/C 13th May


Yr 4 - We are moving onto a new unit, Time. We will be looking at years, months and days, hours, minutes and seconds, reading time and converting between analogue and digital and converting to and from 24hrs.

Yr 5 - We are finishing our Position and Direction unit by learning about lines of symmetry and reflection in horizontal and vertical lines. We will the start our new unit at the end of the week. We will be going back to Decimals.


Literacy in Ash

This week we will be learning how to use colons and semi colons within our writing and begin to plan a diary entry. We will be writing a diary entry from the old man's perspective about the events in our story so far.


Literacy in Maple

We will be writing our newspaper reports this week before starting chapter 4. 



Yr 3 - We are starting a new unit, Plants. We will be learning about the parts of a plant and their functions. 

Yr 4 - We will be looking at human teeth this week.

Yr 5 - We will be finishing our Life cycles unit with learning about life cycles of birds. 



Y3: We will be looking at Mayan writing. 

Y4: We will be learning about Hadrian's wall (as well as a visit to Bignor Roman Villa on Tuesday afternoon)

Y5: We will be having an artefact exhibition to find out more about the Kingdom of Benin.



This week we will be exploring ideas about Tawhid in Muslim community practice. We will learn about the Five Pillars of Islam. 

Our key questions are:

  • What unites all Muslims?
  • What are the Five Pillars of Islam?
  • How does the pillar of SALAH make a Muslim feel they belong to a single community?



We will be continuing to work on our set designs. We need to finish off our backgrounds before beginning to make 3D models for the props within our sets. 



Yr 4 - We will be learning how to stay safe online.

Yr 5 - Our final lesson on 3D modelling, we will creating our dream bedroom!

