In drawing club, we will be reading the book 'Stuck' by Oliver Jeffers. We will be drawing the main character Floyd, drawing what else he might throw into the tree and how he will eventually get everything and everyone out of the tree.
Our words for this week are
We will also be continuing with our Sunflower Challenge, observing if our seeds have grown yet. We will also be drawing and painting sunflowers. We will be looking carefully and copying the colours patterns and shapes we see. We will look at how different artists draw and paint sunflowers and how they have created the shapes and patterns we see.
In phonics, this week we will be recapping tricky words and continuing to assessing the children's knowledge of the sounds we have learnt so far. Just a reminder to read at home as much as possible as this is so important for the children's reading development.
In maths, we will finishing off our shape topic and looking for 2D shapes within 3D shapes. We will then be moving on to sharing and grouping.
We will also be making fruit and veg heads this week using plastercine to make facial features.