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In drawing club, we will be reading the story 'Handa's Surprise.' We will be drawing Handa, one of the animals from the story, setting a trap to stop the animals from taking the fruits and thinking about what you would put in your own basket. 


We are also going to be making mini worlds in a shoe box. If you could bring in any shoe boxes for next week that would be amazing. 


We will also be continuing with our Sunflower Challenge, observing how our seedlings are growing, we are also planning a sunflower party for the parents. We want to tell everyone what we have learnt about sunflowers. We will be using our class calendar to count how many days until the party. We will be writing shopping lists and invites.  


In phonics, this week we will be continuing with the Basics 4. We will be reading and writing words with 4 letters CVCC and CCVC 


In maths, we are continuing to work on our number bonds to 5 and 10. We will also look at grouping odd and even numbers and sharing and grouping. 


