Writing is taught by focusing on the purposes behind writing; children are given meaningful reasons and motivation to write and are guided by 4 main writing principles: writing to entertain, inform, persuade and discuss.
In KS1, children focus primarily on the first of these (writing to entertain and inform) and will engage in narrative writing based on their favourite texts, as well as recounting experiences and events that are familiar and interesting to them. Even at this early age, children are encouraged to have as much say in the writing process as possible. Ownership and choice during writing is incredibly important in building intrinsic motivation and this needs to start as early as possible.
Moving through to KS2, children are encouraged to expand their writing horizons, as well as deepen their confidence with narrative (including writing poetry). Teachers utilise current affairs, social and global issues, as well as topics that are important to the individuals in the class. Once again, children will have many opportunities to choose elements of the writing process, from the content, purpose, language and opinions that underpin the work.
The curriculum is firmly rooted, and lead, by the many grammar and punctuation objectives of the national curriculum. Writing is taught in small steps with consistent chances for consolidation and recap. The aim is for all children to have a solid mastery of writing and a clear understanding of the many and varied components that go into a successful piece. Through understanding and knowledge of how writing is pieced together, they will be able to make conscious and deliberate choices about their work and leave primary school with all of the tools required to successfully communicate, regardless of subject, topic or purpose.