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w/b 18th September 2023

Literacy in Maple Class: We are planning and writing a sequel to our story this week. What do we want to see happen next in the story? We will be using nouns, adjectives and verbs in our writing, and Year 4s will be using conjunctions, adverbs and prepositions to add more detail and description. 


Literacy in Ash 

We need to continue reading our text and exploring the language used. This week Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay finally make their attempt to conquer Mount Everest. We will be using all our senses to imagine how they would have been feeling and will be writing a description. The main focus will be to use powerful adjectives and verbs to add excitement and depth to our writing. Alongside this, we will be revisiting previous years objectives by using a range of adverbs, conjunctions and prepositions.


Maths Y3: We will be using number lines to 1,000, comparing numbers, ordering numbers and counting in 50s. There will also be time in the week to practise times tables. Be sure to ask your child which times tables they have for their target. 


Maths Y4: We will be using a number line to 10,000 to estimate, order and compare numbers. We will also be learning roman numerals. There will also be time in the week to practise times tables. Be sure to ask your child which times tables they have for their target. 


Year 3: This week we are going to be looking at cave paintings and finding out what they tell us about life in the Stone Age. 

Year 4: We are going to be learning about Alexander the Great and his mighty empire. Who was he? Why was he so special? How long did he rule the empire for? What influence did he have in Greece? 

Year 5: We have looked at the Stone Age and how this was split into 3 main parts. This week, we are looking for closely at the Neolithic period and finding out about Skara Brae and Stonehenge. What is so special about these places? Who built them? Why are they there? What can we learn about life in the Stone Age from this historical archaeological sites?


Yr 3 - Functions of the skeleton

Yr 4 - Vertebrates and invertebrates, grouping and classifying

Yr 5 - Air Resistance

RE: We will be looking at the story of Adam and Eve to introduce the concept of Sin and The Fall. 


Art: We are going to be planning and making a start on our cartoon strip books this week. Using a range of media, we will be illustrating the next part of our story. 



Year 3: We are continuing with inserting images and text into a Word document. The children chose an element of Creation that 'Wows!' them and wrote an instruction to humans for how to care for our planet. This week we will be typing up a set of instructions from our RE lesson and inserting images to go alongside each instruction. 


Year 4: We are cloning parts of an image this week to see the impact it has. By retouching images and editing them, we can make our audience believe something looks better than it actually does, or we can edit out parts of an image which we no longer want in the picture. 
