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This week we are reading the story 'Jack and the Beanstalk' We have the characters from the story in our small world, so the children can retell the story and make a castle out of bricks and shaving foam. We will be planting broad beans and we discussing what they need to grow. 


In drawing club, we will be introducing new vocabulary such as clambering, booming, descending, glittering and ginormous. We will be drawing the giant, the castle, drawing a treasure chest that we find at the castle - I wonder what is inside? and deciding what Jack will buy with all his giant treasure? We will use code words and sentences to make funny things happen.


In phonics, this week we will be recapping the sounds ur, ow and oi . We are focusing on all the tricky words we have learnt so far. 


In maths, we will be learning to count backwards from 10, comparing numbers to 10, making 10 and introducing 3D shapes.

