Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.
Chairman: | Mr Jon Nodding
| Chair of Governors Foundation Governor Staffing and Curriculum Committee Premises and Health and Safety Committee. Appointment: 17/09/2023- 16/9/2027 |
Governors: | Mrs Debbie Burnett
| Head Teacher Finance and Premises Committee Staffing and Curriculum Committee |
Mr Warwick Dean Taylor | Local Education Authority Representative Remuneration Committee Finance and Premises Committee Appointment: 14/2/2021-15/2/2025 | |
Dr Rev David Crook | Foundation Governor Staffing and Curriculum Committee Appointment: 29/05/2019 | |
Mrs Alison Nicholls | Co-opted Governor Chair of Staffing and Curriculum Committee Curriculum lead Governor Appointment: 16/09/21- 16/09/2025 | |
Mrs Louisa Brookfield | Vice Chair of Governors Foundation Governor Safeguarding Lead Governor Finance, Premises and Health and Safety Committee. Appointment: 07/06/2023- 07/06/2027 | |
Mrs Shelagh Morgan
| Clerk to Governors | |
Mrs Sarah Barron | Staff Governor Lead EYFS Governor Staffing and Curriculum Committee Appointment: 9/6/2022- 9/6/2026 | |
Mr Nigel Sneller | Parent Governor Finance, Premises and Health and Safety Committee. Appointment 21/09/2023- 21/9/2027 | |
Mrs Louise Josey | Parent Governor Chair of Finance, Premises and Health and Safety Committee. Appointment 11/2023- 11/2027 | |
Mrs Bea Lepine | Parent Governor Staffing and Curriculum Committee Lead SEND Governor Appointment 12/2023- 12/2027 | |
Mrs Charlotte Allin | Co-opted Governor Finance, Premises and Health and Safety Committee Appointed 7/2024-7/2028 |