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Welcome to our Governors’ section. 

Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.



Mr Jon Nodding


Chair of Governors

Foundation Governor

Staffing and Curriculum Committee

Premises and Health and Safety Committee.

Appointment: 17/09/2023- 16/9/2027


Mrs Debbie Burnett


Head Teacher

Finance and Premises Committee

Staffing and Curriculum Committee

 Mr Warwick Dean Taylor

Local Education Authority Representative

Remuneration Committee

Finance and Premises Committee

Appointment: 14/2/2021-15/2/2025

 Dr Rev David Crook

Foundation Governor

Staffing and Curriculum Committee

Appointment: 29/05/2019

 Mrs Alison Nicholls

Co-opted Governor

Chair of Staffing and Curriculum Committee

Curriculum lead Governor

Appointment: 16/09/21- 16/09/2025

 Mrs Louisa Brookfield

Vice Chair of Governors

Foundation Governor

Safeguarding Lead Governor

Finance, Premises and Health and Safety Committee.

Appointment: 07/06/2023- 07/06/2027


 Mrs Shelagh Morgan


Clerk to Governors

Mrs Sarah Barron

Staff Governor

Lead EYFS Governor

Staffing and Curriculum Committee

Appointment: 9/6/2022- 9/6/2026

 Mr Nigel Sneller

Parent Governor

Finance, Premises and Health and Safety Committee.

Appointment 21/09/2023- 21/9/2027

 Mrs Louise Josey

Parent Governor

Chair of Finance, Premises and Health and Safety Committee.

Appointment 11/2023- 11/2027

 Mrs Bea Lepine

Parent Governor

Staffing and Curriculum Committee

Lead SEND Governor

Appointment 12/2023- 12/2027

 Mrs Charlotte Allin

Co-opted Governor 

Finance, Premises and Health and Safety Committee

Appointed 7/2024-7/2028
