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Collective Worship

At Fittleworth we meet daily for Collective Worship. During this time we enjoy being together as a school community. Each term we focus on one of our Christian Values and explore the meaning behind this value. The children are encourage to demonstrate this value both within school and in the wider community. Collective Worship allows us time to reflect, share ideas, celebrate and sing. 


Let your light shine, so that others will see the good that you do and will praise your Father in heaven.”


Matthew 5:1



Monday- Whole School Worship led by Mrs Burnett

Tuesday- Class/Key stage based- prayer space activities led by Class teachers

Wednesday- Whole School Worship lead by Father David

Thursday- Whole school singing worship led by Mrs McKee

Friday- Whole school Celebration Worship led by Mrs Burnett 


 Our Christian values are:








Dear God, 

This is our school

Let it be a place filled with love and learning 

Thank you for our teachers 

Thank you for all who love us and keep us safe 

We pray for children everywhere that they may feel safe and loved

Today and Forever


"This Little Light Of Mine"

When I needed a Neighbour (with Lyrics)

Bruno Mars - Count on me lyrics

Sorry if theres mistakes and bad timing :)

If you're at home self isolating you can click on the link below to find out what we've been doing at school and have your own collective worhship at home. 
