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3rd June



SWIMMING BEGINS! Wednesday and Friday


Literacy - This week we will be using the text 'The Robot and the Bluebird'. We will be looking at different sentence types and year 2 consolidating their learning on contractions. We will begin by recycling a milk container (or similar) into a new product eg a bird feeder. We will be writing questions asking about it to our friends. We will be identifying statements, commands, questions in an extract from the book, writing some instructions for the robot to hel him look after the bird and answering some questions about the book.


Phonics/ spelling - Year 2 will be spelling contractions and common exception words, particularly in sentences. We will practice this weeks spelling pattern.


Year 1 will be revising all our phonics sounds in preparation for the phonics test next week.


Maths- Year 2 will be working on the language of position, describing movement, describing turns and practising their arithmetic of the different calculations.


Year 1 will be finishing off the Fractions topic and then moving on to place value 50 to 100


Geography - We will be exploring the world and to begin develop our understnad of the continents and oceans of the world.


Art - We will be exploring what is architecture? Also, developing our drawing skills.


Science - Year 2 will be developing their understanding of different life cycles.  Year 1 will be observing the changes that can be observed in summer.


Computing - Year 1 will develop their coding skills and year 2 will work on a unit about creating music.


