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Writing - any writing is good!! Plan, create and write a story.  You could keep a diary about what you do everyday. You could create a leaflet about your favourite animals or a poem. You could write out a recipe for something that you have made.


Handwriting - handwriting should be practised to work on letter formation, watch m, n, r, h, u


Please read as much as possible, go through the shelves in your house. There are some free e books on some websites. owl oxford reading  Maybe write a book review.


There's a 30 day lego challenge you could try


Purple mash is a secure learning page covering lots of areas of learning. purple mash Also there is a blog to communicate to each other through. 


 Lots of resources have said if schools close there resources will be free  maths and spelling shed    ks1 primary stars nessy


On you tube there's a young girl who gives good explanations about a variety of maths concepts - type maths 4 kids and the area of maths e.g. maths 4 kids fractions


maths problem of the day really good as a quick activity

hit the button

topmarks website is good for literacy and  maths

white rose home learning - maths

phonics play 

phonics bloom


