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W/C 22nd Jan


Yr 4 - We are moving onto a new unit for the next few weeks - Length and Perimeter. This week we will be measuring in metres and kilometres and calculating the perimeter of rectangles and rectilinear shapes.

Yr 5 - We have moved back to Fractions again! This week we will be multiplying fractions and finding fractions of quantities. 


Literacy in Maple Class

After being given time to publish their newspaper reports, the children will be planning a diary entry this week. Writing in the first person as either the lighthouse keeper or his wife, the children will be using the past, present and future tense to keep a record of life in the lighthouse. 


Literacy in Ash

This week we will be learning to convey the sense of a character within our writing. We will be chosing a character and writing their viewpoint on an event from the story. 



Yr 3 -  We are moving onto a little unit about fossils. This week we will be exploring different fossils.

Yr 4 - This week we will be learning about the ear and how we hear sounds. 

Yr 5 - Our final lesson in our Space unit is learning about night and day. 



Yr 3 and Yr 5: We will be looking at what life was like for the Ancient Egyptians, and comparing it with what life is like for us now. 

Yr 4: In groups, the children will be researching the people of the Shang Dynasty by sorting information and presenting their findings back to the whole class. 



Yr 4 - Continuing with our Scratch quizzes, we wil be learning how to add scores, sounds and special effects into our quiz.

Yr 5 - We have 1 final lesson to record our podcasts before we need to edit them before sharing them with each other.



We will be continuing with our individual art work that we chose from last week, either tessellating patterns or puzzle purses. We will be exploring different patterns and colours within our designs.



Having spent the last few weeks researching our Jewish Festival, this week we will be presenting our work to the class.
