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This is our last full week with the children and we are still so busy here in Beech Class.

Tuesday and Wednesday - Swimming

Thursday - whole school sports day plus swimming for parents in the afternoon.


As part of drawing club this week we will be adventuring into the past and watching Willow the wisp The thoughts of Moog

We will be drawing eveil edna, inventing a way to get Moog down from up in the sky and writing our own though clouds!

Our words for this week are 


teeny weeny



loop the loop


We are continuing to plan our minibeast party, which we are all getting very excited about. You should all have received your invitation from the children. Our minibeast party will be help on Monday 22nd July at 2pm on the school field. 

we look forward to seeing you then.


Mrs McKee


Minibeast party information

Willow the Whisp - The Thoughts of Moog (1981) (Animation)

Moog discovers the power of thought, enjoying himself until he reveals to Evil Edna what he's thinking about.
