This week we will be watching Bananaman. In Drawing Club, we will be drawing Bananaman! We will be inventing a ray gun and thinking of a way for Dr Gloom to get around. The words we will be learning are gloomy, transformation, gulp, muscular, befuddled.
In phonics, we will be recapping the basic 2 sounds we have learnt already. Please keep practising the sounds at home using the sound books and phonic books. We will continue to write our names.
In maths this week, we are singing lots of rhymes and learning about 1 more and 1 less than a number to 5. We will be learning about shapes with 4 sides and going on a shape hunt around school.
We are also lucky to have police officer come into school on Tuesday to tell us all about how the police helps us in our community and how police officers worked in the past. We will be making superhero gadgets out of junk modelling.