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22nd April



Literacy - This week we will be using the book 'Night pirates'. We will read half of it and stopping so we can write a prediction of what happens next. Year 2 will be learning how to use inverted commas in their writing. As a class we will be reading the whole story and considering the characters feelings and writing captions using the four different sentence types. We will be retelling the story verbally and using a story map and then retelling it in writing using past tense. 


Phonics - Year 2 will be revising some focus sounds we need to practise. We will be concentrating our time on suffixes and the spelling of some of these words.


Year 1 will be reading real and non-sense words and looking at more sounds that look the same but sound different e.g. /u/ unicorn and under, /ow/ snow and owl, /ie/ pie and chief and /ea/ dream and bread


Maths - Year 2 will be telling the time past the hour, telling the time to the hour, telling the time to 5 minute intervals and practising our arithmetic skills.


Year 1 will be counting in 2s, 10s and 5s


History - We will be finding out about Grace O'Malley and Christopher Columbus. Looking at pictures of them and seeing what pictures tell us about the past. We will be using 6 pictures to illustrate events that occurred.


Science - Year 1 will be finding out about wild and garden flowers. Year 2 will be finding out about what plants need to grow well, building on our previous knowledge.


DT - We will be exploring and evaluating different foods for a root salad.


RSE - We will be using the text 'Invisible string' to consider what makes a good friend.


Computing - We will be considering an element of online safety. Year 1 will be collecting data in preparation for a unit of data collection online. Year 2 will be exploring the effects that can be added to photos.
