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w/b 15th July 2024

It's the last full week of term, and of this year! Where has that time gone? I can't believe it! I'm writing this pre-Euro final so I am hoping England win the final, it will make our week so much better! But even if England lose, we still have a fun-packed week filled with lots to look forward to. 


This week there is a lot of PE, Sports Day practise and of course, Sports Day itself. If children could please wear PE kits Monday - Thursday, we can make the most of the good weather when we have it and get outside as much possible. 


Monday: Swimming as normal Monday morning, please remember your kits. I am hoping to take the class out onto the field for a game of Rounders whenever it is dry, so please can children wear PE kits to school. Or at least bring trainers into school to change into so we can make the most of the nice weather when we have it. 


Tuesday: In the morning, we will be practising our running races for Sports Day. It is different in Key Stage Two so it's important the children get to see what's expected of them before the big day. Please wear PE kits to school as normal. Year 4s will have Forest Schools in the afternoon. 


Wednesday: PE kits again please as the children have PE in the afternoon where they will be practising the potted sports and fun races. 


Thursday: SPORTS DAY! Please see separate emails regarding the timetable for the day. Parents are invited to stay all day and bring a picnic to enjoy with your children at lunchtime. 


Friday: You can wear school uniform today! Mrs Phillips has planned a lovely day as this will be her last Friday of the term with Maple Class. 

Please do join us for the End of Term BBQ after school. See separate emails regarding the organisation of this.  


Next week, we have two more days left before we break up for the summer. The leavers' service is planned for Tuesday which promises to be a very special event as we say 'goodbye' not only to our Year 6s, but to some of our families who have seen all of their children pass through Fittleworth School. More details to follow. 


