SWIMMING Tuesday and Wednesday this week
This week we are writing funny minibeast captions. We will write a different caption each day.
In drawing club we will be watching Road runner. Our words for this week, ambush, slinking, boulder, patient. We will be drawing and writing about Road runner, about where coyote lives, we will be inventing ways for coyote to travel really fast.
In phonics, this week we will be revising the Basics 4. We will be reading and writing words with more than 3 sounds such as plump, plank, grunt, grasp etc and using these words in silly sentences.
In maths, we are solving maths problems using ten frames and counters. e.g. There are 5 wiggly worms, 3 get eaten by a blackbird. How many are left? We will also be drawing treasure maps and guiding our friends to find the treasure. We will also be recapping numbers that make 10.