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w/b 13th May

Literacy in Ash Class

This week we will be learning how to use colons and semi colons within our writing and begin to plan a diary entry. We will be writing a diary entry from the old man's perspective about the events in our story so far.


Literacy in Maple Class

We are writing our newspaper reports this week, before moving onto chapter 4. 



Y3: We will be reading time on a digital clock, use am and pm, years months and days, and days and hours. 

Y4: We are starting our time unit by revising years months, weeks, days, hours minutes seconds, converting between analogue and digital clocks. 



Yr 3 - We are starting a new unit, Plants. We will be learning about the parts of a plant and their functions. 

Yr 4 - We will be looking at human teeth this week.

Yr 5 - We will be finishing our Life cycles unit with learning about life cycles of birds.



Y3: We will be looking at Mayan writing. 

Y4: We will be learning about Hadrian's wall (as well as a visit to Bignor Roman Villa on Tuesday afternoon)

Y5: We will be having an artefact exhibition to find out more about the Kingdom of Benin. 



We will be making our nests this lesson so please remember to have your 'treasures' in school by Thursday. 



This week we will be learning about Hindus learn from the story of Krishna, and how Hindus show their love and devotion to Krishna. 

