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Autumn Term 2024

Welcome back after the summer holidays. We hope everyone has had an enjoyable time and made some memories. We are excited about the term ahead and the learning we have planned. We will begin the term by finding out about each other, new routines and creating some class rules. 


Please bring in wellies to be kept in school as we try to go out for breaktimes unless the weather is too bad. They will also need a water bottle daily and coat if due to rain. Fruit will be provided for year 1 and 2, however they can bring their own piece of fruit to school if they'd like to. Only year 2 to bring a small pencil case in if they would like to. PE will be on a Monday and Tuesday. Year 1 will have an afternoon where they will be using the outdoor learning classroom. For this they will need to bring in a change of trousers and ensure they have wellies in school. The day for this will be confirmed.  Please hear your child read at least 5 times a week the phonic scheme book and read other books so as to really enjoy books and the world of reading.


Our history topic will be the Great Fire of London where we will be finding out about the events, exploring what life was like at the time, considering the factors which led to the fire, finding out about Samuel Pepys and reflecting on the impact the Great Fire had. Our design and technology project will be about designing a water carrier which will be expected to carry water so fit for purpose. Our Geography will be exploring our local area and comparing it to modern day London. In art we will be exploring spirals and the work by Molly Haslund. During literacy we will be using high quality text to support our writing and using the Supersonic Phonic Friends to consolidate our sounds to help our reading and writing. In maths we will be building on our knowledge from the previous year and using resources to help with this. We will be using the computers and technology to develop their skills and understands, these will be accompanied by online safety sessions.


If anyone has ever any questions about the learning or other issues that may arise, please do either speak to me on the door and if necessary we can arrange a meeting or email the office at If the email needs my attention the office will forward this. 
