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Wk Beg 27th Jan

This week we are reading the story 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears.' We have the characters from the story in our fairytale cafe and in our small world so the children can retell the story. We will be junk modelling a cottage for the Bear's and mixing powder paint. 


In drawing club, we will be introducing new vocabulary such as intruder, scorching hot, secluded, alarmed and disobedient. We will be drawing Goldilocks, the woods and the Bear's cottage, thinking of ways to make the Bear's house secure and making a new porridge for the Bears or Goldilocks. We will be using our code words and passcodes to make funny things happen.


In phonics, this week we will be learning the sounds ure, ear, air. The tricky words we will be focusing on are they, my, by, are, all. 


In maths, we will continue to compare mass and capacity. We will be measuring out oats and milk to make porridge and cocoa, milk and sugar to make hot chocolate. We will be using language such as full, half full and empty, heavier, lighter, heaviest and lightest. In continuous the children will be able to use balance scales to weigh items around the classroom. Estimating which is heavier/lighter first or which might weigh the same. We will also be looking at the Bear's different containers and deciding which holds more/less.  
