From a school’s point of view homework has always been a very contentious issue. We know that teachers are often judged on the type and level of homework set and that some parents welcome it. Research however does not support that homework has particular value in progressing children’s learning. There is much compelling evidence exalting the benefits of family nurturing time and outdoor time in supporting children’s general health and mental well-being which in turn makes them more receptive learners in school. In Finland, often mentioned because it has one of the highest performing education systems in the world, homework is virtually unheard of.
There is, however, much to be said for children being able to access and practice their learning at home and we continue to develop our website to support home-learning. Here you will find links to age appropriate games and activities, a summary of National Curriculum expectations for each year group, lists of common exception words (which children are expected to know) and links to other web pages incl. ‘Mathletics’.
These are not teacher directed tasks but rather children being encouraged to independently engage in activities that will help them secure their age expected targets, particularly in the core subjects of English and Mathematics.
We do expect children to read regularly at home (at least 5 x per week) and that as well as children reading to adults, adults should make time to read to children, and that books, stories and non-fiction texts, should be talked about and questioned in order that a thorough understanding is gained. Reading aloud and talking about texts still has high value even when children are more accomplished readers. It is really important for us that reading diaries are kept in order that we can support children and families appropriately.
Teachers will continue to direct children towards, spelling lists and/or spelling/phonics based activities and they will check regularly, though not necessarily via a test, to see how the children have progressed.
Children must learn their times-tables, number bonds, know how to tell the time with increasing accuracy, recognize and understand money and understand and use units for weighing and measuring.
Please see the home learning tab to find out what suggestions your teachers have made to keep you busy at home too!