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Please can we have any junk for our art area.



This week we will be going to be learning about doctors and nurses and how they help us. We will also be learning to mix colours.


This week in Supersonic Phonic Friends. The sounds we will be learning are g, o, c, k. The tricky words we are learning are I, is, to, the.


In maths, we will be comparing capacity and we will provide children with different sized junk modelling boxes to make a home for a small world character. We will be looking at simple patterns and creating our own patterns. We will be going on a number hunt to find 1, 2 and 3 different objects. We will make collections of 1, 2 and 3.  


In Drawing Club, we will be focusing on the story 'Mixed' and we will be writing letters or mark making which will make funny things happen to the characters in the story. We will be learning new vocabulary such as harmonious, triple, intelligent, boastful and squabble.  



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