Yr 4 - We are continuing with our multiplication and division unit. This week we will be learning our 7, 11 and 12 times tables.
Yr 5 - We will be comparing and ordering fractions, adding and subtracting fractions with the same denominator and adding fractions with a total greater than 1.
Literacy in Ash Class
This week we will be learning how to use our notes and use the information to write full sentences. We will be writing our non chronological report on volcanoes.
Y4: Tropics - we will be learning the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn this week. We will be comparing 3 types of climates found in between these two lines. Which countries can we name that are found here?
Y5: How mountains are made - we will be finding out about 5 different types of mountains this week including 'dome' and 'volcanic'.
Yr 3 - We will be comparing different diets: vegetarian, vegan, pescatarian etc.
Yr 4 - We will be carrying our our ice melting investigation this week.
Yr 5 - Continuing with our unit on Space, we will be looking at Planet Earth.
Yr 4 - Using Purple Mash, we will be researching and planning to write a newspaper. We will type up our news article on the format provided.
Yr 5 - Using the microbits, we will write a code for a story telling game using a 'when gesture' event, random numbers, variables and logic IF/THEN commands.