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W/C 25th November

One week left of rehearsals!! Thursday is our dress rehearsal. 



Yr 4 - We are continung to focus on our timestables and looking at the multiplication and division facts for 3, 6, 7 and 9.

Yr 5 - This week we will be converting mixed number to improper fractions, comparing and ordering fractions less than 1 and then comparing and ordering fractions greater than 1. 


Literacy in Ash Class

We are going to continue using the book, Survivors, and begin a new story called, ' The men who shared a sandwich on the seabed'. 

We will begin the week reading some of the story and look at the language used. We will explore what it is like in the Twillight Zone and work towards creating a poem the conveys the mysteriousness of the ocean.


Literacy in Maple Class 

We will be drafting and publishing our fact files this week all about Ethiopia. The children have enjoyed reading all about Tom's journey across Africa so far, and now we will be putting all our research together into a piece of information writing. Remembering to use impersonal language, I will be looking for the use of expanded noun phrases when describing key places in Ethiopia, as well as the use of prepositional language. 



Y4: Tropics - we will be learning the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn this week. We will be comparing 3 types of climates found in between these two lines. Which countries can we name that are found here? 

Y5: How mountains are made - we will be finding out about 5 different types of mountains this week including 'dome' and 'volcanic'.



Yr 4 - We enjoyed using some equipment last lesson, this week we will be planning an investigation about melting ice.

Yr 5 - Our new unit of work is SPACE. To begin with we will be looking at our solar system. 



Our questions that we will be exploring this week are:

  • How do people envisage God? How do Hindus envisage God?
  • How do Hindus explain their ideas of God?

We will also be exploring Hindu deities. 



    We will be using our Computing lesson to help support our RE lesson and use our internet searching skills to help us answers some of our key RE questions. 

