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W/C 21st October

We've made it through to the end of this half term...its been a long one! Well done everyone.

Don't forget we have an INSET Day on Friday. 


This week, we will be giving out the scripts and song words for our production at the end of the Autumn term. This year we are doing, 'Pirates v Mermaids'. Please spend some time with your child to help them learn their lines. It is important that they learn who speaks before they need to.

The children also need to learn the song words. You can listen to a preview of the songs on the Out of the Ark website. 



Yr 4 - We just have a few more small step to complete before we finish our Addition and Subtraction unit. This week we will be estimating calculations and using different strategies to check our answers.

Yr 5 - This week we will be learning about square and cube numbers as well as multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000. 



We have done such a brilliant job with our eye witness account. This week we will be publishing our writing and illustrating it. 



Yr 3 - We will be finishing our unit on Skeletons and How we Move ensuring we understand how muscles contract and relax.

Yr 4 - We are going to identify the differences between solid, liquids and gases. 

Yr 5 - We will be finishing our Forces unit. 



We will be reflecting and sharing our 3D art with each other. 


