Rainbow theatre company in school on Thursday about the Great Fire of London.
Bonfire building on Thursday so please come dressed wearing appropriate clothes including wellies and waterproof coat.
Literacy - This week we will be completing some independent writing. The children will be given some choices and asked to plan a piece of writing after discussion and on a familiar template for them. They will be checked on their common exception words and how many they can spell. They will also be writing a recount of the theatre experience.
Phonics - Year 2 will be looking at alternative spelling pattern for /or/ and /air/.
Year 1 will begin level 5 "choose to use" stage in phonics this week. They will be learning the /ay/ /ea/ and /ie/ spellings.
Maths - Year 2 will be adding two 2 digit numbers (no crossing 10), adding two 2 digit numbers crossing 10, subtract two 2 digit numbers not crossing 10 and then crossing the 10. We will be doing lots of practise at this.
Year 1 will be working out addition problems and beginning to think about subtraction within number problems by finding a part.
History - We will be evaluating our learning about the Great Fire of London.
Science - Year 1 will be observing changes in Autumn and Year 2 will be finding out about teeth.