This week we are reading the story 'Little Red Riding Hood.' We have the characters from the story in our small world, so the children can retell the story. We will begin making colour books- starting with primary colours and experimenting with different mark making tools. We will then move on to make orange , purple and green. We will be weaving a paper basket for Red Riding Hood.
In drawing club, we will be introducing new vocabulary such as scarlet, razor sharp, terrifying, helpless and sly. We will be drawing Red Riding Hood, the woods and Granny's cottage, inventing a way to help Red Riding Hood deliver her basket of food safely. We will use code words and sentences to make funny things happen.
In phonics, this week we will be learning the sounds /ure/ /air/ and /ure/. We are focusing on all the tricky words we have learnt so far.
In maths, we will comparing height by rolling a dice and counting the correct amount of cubes to build a tower. We will compare our towers. Which is taller/shorter? We will compare length by making different play dough snakes. Can we measure them with cubes? We will be comparing our heights in class too.