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w/b 11th November

Monday is Remembrance Day so at 11am we will be walking up to the church for our service with Father David. 

Please remind children about why we wear poppies, especially the slap bands. They are worn as a mark of respect, not to be played with in lesson time. 



We are starting multiplication and division this week. 



Y3: PE and Science with Mrs Murphy in the morning, with Forest Schools in the afternoon. Please wear PE kits to school and bring Forest Schools clothes in a separate bag.

Y4: PE and Science with Mrs Murphy in the morning as normal. Then in the afternoon, Year 4 have the opportunity to work with an artist all afternoon creating their very own pieces of art. 

Y5: Winchester Museum for the day with me, Mrs Westbrook, and Mrs Watts. We are taking this opportunity to enhance our experience of the Anglo-Saxon. 



We will be starting our new text this week and delving into the characters. We will be describing the main character and creating Lost posters based on the story. 



We will be reading the story of the Prodigal Son this week and finding out what we can learn from this about reconciliation. 


Christmas production. Please ensure your child is practising the words to our songs. If your child has a speaking part, they need to be practising their lines at home ready to perform in school without their scripts. 


Parent / Teacher Consultations

I will be available on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday of this week between 3:30pm and 5pm. Please sign up via MCAS. 
