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Supersonic Phonic Friends Workshop this Friday at 9am


This week we will be going on an Autumn walk to look for any seasonal changes and collect any Autumn leaves and conkers. We will make Autumn crowns with the objects we have found. We will also be observing shells and drawing what we can see.


This week we will continuing with Supersonic Phonic Friends. The sounds we will be learning are n, m, d, g. 


In Maths, we will be continuing to sort objects, comparing amounts of Autumn objects in our nature garden and preparing a teddy bear's picnic for a big and little bear. Can we sort the objects by size? We will also begin to compare size and capacity.


We will also continue with Drawing Club, we will be focusing on the story 'Mixed' by Aree Chung and we will be mark making which will make funny things happen to the characters in the story. We will be learning new vocabulary such as

harmonious, triple, boastful, unique, populated and divided. 


We will also be naming different parts of the body this week and looking at some non fiction books about the human body.






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