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W/C 2nd December

This week we have our dress rehearsal for our play, Pirates v Mermaids. Please make sure your child has all they need for their costumes.



Yr 4 - We are coming to the end of our multiplication and division unit. To finish off we will be dividing a number by 1 and itself and then multiplying 3 numbers together.

Yr 5 - We are doing our very best to tackle these fractions! This week we will be adding to a mixed number, adding 2 mixed numbers together, subtracting fractions and subtracting fractions from a mixed number. 


Literacy in Ash Class

We will be using the time to finish writing our non chronological report, edit and publish our writing. 



Yr 3 - We are enjoying learning about nutrition and diets, this week we will be learning about animals and their diets.

Yr 4 - We will be evaluating last weeks investigation and plan our evaporation investigation.

Yr 5 - This week we will be learning how and why we have day and night.



Y3: We are learning how London grew since the Great Fire of London. The children will use their knowledge from Key Stage one to understand how and why London grew. 

Y4: We are learning about the Meridian Prime line this week. Which countries have the Meridian Prime line passing through them? What is the significance of this line? 

Y5: We are learning about mountain climates this week. What is the weather like on a mountain compared to other areas of flat land? Why does the weather change in different parts of a mountain? 



Yr 4 - We will be using Purple Mash to create a newspaper report.

Yr 5 - Continuing to use the microbits, we will use them to record temperatures around the school.




