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2nd September

Literacy - This week we will be using the books 'Can I walk to you?' and writing about what we like to do and don't like as much and how these make us feel. We will also be using the text 'On the Way Home' where we will be writing captions for some of the illustrations using full sentences.


Phonics - We will be revsing the phonics we learnt last year and checking which ones we remember.


Maths - Year 1 will be beginning by sorting objects and counting objects to 10.


Year 2 will be revising numbers to 20, counting objects to 100 by making 10 and recognising 10's and ones.


Science - Year 1 will be identifying and naming parts of the body. Year 2 will be learning about mammals.


History - We will be exploring what makes a person significant.


Art - We will be exploring spirals and looking at the work of Molly Hasland.


RE - We will be beginning our unit of work for this half term on 'What do Christians believe God is like?'
