Year 1 NO forest school this week.
Please can everyone try and hear your children read 5 times a week and record this in their diaries. If they read home books these can be recorded also.
Literacy- This week we will be using the book 'Vlad and the Great Fire of London'. We will be discovering the characters Boxton and Vlad. We will be writing using the personal pronoun I and pretending we are the characters. We will be learning the order and spellings of the days of the week. We will be writing what we do on these days of the week or what we would like to do. We will be writing what we like about the book.
Phonics - Year 2 will be revising the alternative spellings of /igh/ /oa/ /u-e/. We will be learning to read and spell some more year 1 common exception words. Please keep practising these CEW at home (in the front of their spelling books).
Year 1 will be continuing to practise group 4 adjacent consonants, sounding out and blending words such as joint, thump. chomp.
Maths- Year 2 we will be ordering objects and numbers, counting in 2's 5's and 10's. counting in 3's and revising partitioning numbers flexibly from last week.
Year 1 will be ordering objects and numbers, using a number line to place numbers on and to find missing numbers and recognising numbers as words.
History - We will be discovering what life was like back in the 17th century and considering out own timeline.
Science - Year 1 will be exploring taste and year 2 will be exploring humans basic needs for survival and comparing it the animal groups explored previous.
Art - We will be continuing to explore spirals. We will be drawing shells. If anyone has any shells and in particularly ones with swirls please bring them in for Thursday.
Computing -Year 1 will be practising logging on and drawing a simple picture on a paint program. Year 2 will be trying to draw a tudor style house on 2publish.
PE - Monday is a gymnastic lesson and Tuesday is developing their ball skills.