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16th December

Our last week before Christmas!


We will be having our Christmas Carol service, lunch, parties, Christmas jumper day, some Christmas crafts and more this week!


Literacy- We will be listening to some more Christmas poetry and writing some more of our own. We will be planning and writing a Christmas story to see what we can achieve now!


Phonics - Year 2 will be revising our phonics and assess which we are more confident with now, including alternative spelling patterns.


Year 1-


Maths- Year 1 - We will be revising number bonds to 100, fact families, adding amounts from the Christmas shop, revising O'clock and half past from last year.


Year 1 - 


Geography - We will be finding out more about the 4 countries of the UK.


Science - Year 1 will be exploring the seasonal changes which happen in Winter. Year 2 will be exploring how we can reduce the amount of plastic used in the school.


