Welcome back after Christmas. I hope you all have had a lovely time and made lots of happy memories.
Literacy - This week we begin by writing about our holiday and the highlights in a piece of independent writing. We will then be listening to, reciting, answering questions about and writing some of own own poetry. If you have any favourite poems please do bring them in to share with the class.
Phonics - Year 2 will begin by revising some alternative spelling patterns and learn some more common exception words.
Year 1 will being by revising the sounds learnt last term and learn some of their common exception words.
Maths - Year 2 will be beginning a unit on money. They will be counting pence, counting notes and coins, counting pounds and pence and making the same amount. If you have loose change at home please get it out so the children can recognise the coins and add small amounts together.
Year 1 will be starting a unit on place value to 20. They will be counting within 20 and understanding numbers 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 over a few days.
Science - Year 1 will be setting up an observation station for the next few weeks to record what happens as a plant grows. They will also begin to learn about mammals.
Year 2 will be exploring plants and naming the parts of plants.
Geography - We will be exploring London and comparing it to where we live.
History - We will be exploring how transport has changed in general terms and writing questions we would like to try and answer over our transport topic.
Art - We will be exploring paint with our hands, feet and flowers.
Computing -We will begin by discussing online safety. Year 1 will be creating a pictogram and year 2 developing effective searching skills.
RE - We will begin to consider our big questions of this half term which is 'Why do Jewish families talk about repentance at new year?'