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4th November

FOREST SCHOOL FOR YEAR 2 TUESDAY - Please come dressed in appropriate clothes including coats, wellies and water proof trousers if you have them. Also please bring PE kit in so they can change at lunch time.


Literacy - We will begin by writing about any fireworks we saw over the half term or about the theatre group when they came in (we will look at photos to refresh our memories). We will read a book about the gunpowder plot for children and discuss the relevance at this time of year. We will be looking at some clips of fireworks and discussing how to stay safe and listening to the 'remember remember' poem. We will write about the fireworks using statements and about sections of the book as captions. We will focus on statements and questions this week. We will also be writing a wanted poster for Guy Fawkes and answering some comprehension questions about the story.


Phonics - Year 2 will be revising alternative spellings for /oi/ /ear/ and /ow/ and working on reading and spelling the common exception words.


Year 1 will be learning the Higher level 5 choose to us spellings for /ai/ /ay/, /ee/ and /ea/, /ie/ and /igh/.


Maths- Year 2 will be subtracting across 10, solving mixed addition and subtraction questions, comparing number sentences, solving missing number sentences and solving word problems.


Year 1 will begin the week solving addition number problems using number bonds, then they will be finding a part and finding a part when subtracting using part whole models and number facts.


Design and Technology - We will be researching fire fighting vehicles and making some out of logo, knex etc to explore how to build a moving vehicle.


Geography -We will be beginning to explore the UK and start by finding out about towns and countryside.


Science - Year 1 will be exploring materials in terms of their general properties and year 2 will be exploring materials wood, paper and card comparing suitability for different purposes.


Computing - We will be seeing what skills we can use to present a piece of work from those learnt last half term.


RE - We will begin our unit exploring the big question 'Why was Jesus given the name Saviour?'  
