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20th January

Literacy- This week we will be using the text 'Emma Jane's aeroplane'. We will be watching a short clip showing planes flying, writing about our favourite parts of the story using 'because', retelling the story, linking the story to other ones we have read with reasons and then planning and writing our own adventures following the story structure.


Phonics - Year 1


Year 2 will developing their understanding or the rule where you need to change the y to an i and add ed, er or est. They will also be revising any phonemes needed.


Maths- Year 2 will be solving some more money word problems. They will then begin a new unit of work on multiplication and division. They will be recognising, making and adding equal groups and being introduced to the multiplication symbol. 


Year 1 -


Science - Year 1 will be exploring amphibians and reptiles. Year 2 will be planning and setting up a light and dark experiment about plants. 


History - The children will be finding out about the history of cars.


Computing - Year 1 will be beginning to create an animated story. Year 2 will be developing their coding skills by building on what they learnt last year.


RE - They will be exploring repentance and forgiveness in the Jewish story of Jonah.


Art- They will be exploring relief in artwork.


RSE - They will be exploring how to eat well and the importance of being active.
