A note about spellings: Please can we ask all parents to support their children in the learning of the Common Exception Words found at the back of the spelling books. In class, we are going to be focusing on the teaching of spelling patterns through 3 targeted lessons a week using the No Nonsense Spelling Scheme. Children must keep reading every day at home and practising their times tables.
Yr 4 -
Yr 5 -
Literacy in Maple Class:
Literacy in Ash
Yr 3 - Continuing with skeletons, this week we will be learning about animals with and without a spine.
Yr 4 - We will be grouping plants, focusing on flowering and non flowering plants and different parts of plants.
Yr 5 - This week we will be carrying out our investigation of air resistance. We have made our parachutes and will be finding out which one takes the longest to fall to the ground.
Yr 4 -
Yr 5 -