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This week we are learning about Easter. We will be going on an Easter egg hunt with words hidden in our eggs. Can we read the words to our friends? We will be decorating eggs, weaving and making Easter cards. 


On Thursday we will have a whole school Easter egg hunt and our Easter Church service.


In drawing club, we are watching a cartoon clip called Wacky Races. We will be learning new vocabulary such as accelerate, braking, hazard, steering, chuckle, demolish, overtake and transport. We will be drawing mascots, a new vehicle to enter the wacky races, designing a petrol station to refuel and thinking about what we will win if we come first in the race or what if we finish last?


In phonics, this week we will be recapping the phase 3 sounds and writing sentences with these sounds. We are focusing on all the tricky words we have learnt so far. 


In maths, we will be learning about 2D and 3D shapes. 
